Title IX Coordinators
Kelly Schneider, Esq.
Title IX Coordinator
Healey Hall, Room 237
(570) 961-7890
Training: Title IX Coordinator and Administrator: Level I
Brian Costanzo
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Angeli Hall, Suite 101C
(570) 961-7841
Training: Title IX Coordinator and Administrator: Level I
Abbey Judge, ED.D.
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Healey Hall, Room 223
(570) 955-1516
Training: Title IX Coordinator & Administrator: Level II
Tanya Morgan
Deputy Title IX Coordinator/Associate Dean of Students
Seeley Hall – Office G-03
(570) 955-1522
Training: Title IX Coordinator & Administrator: Level II
Danelle McClanahan, ED.D.
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Angeli Hall – Office 104
(570) 961-7869
Training: Title IX Investigator: Level I
Additional Title IX Staff Members
Kris Liebegott
Dean of Students
(570) 955-1530
Training: Title IX Hearing Officer
Denise Larson
Dean of Student Success and Retention
(570) 955-1479
Training: Title IX Hearing Advisor
William Roditski
Residence Hall Director
(570) 504-1734
Training: Title IX Hearing Advisor
Pete Mose
Assistant Director Public Safety
(570) 961-7899
Training: Civil Rights Investigator: Level I
Renee Mundy
Vice President for Human Resources
(570) 961-7861
Training: Level One Investigator Civil Rights Investigator: Level I
Incidents can be reported to the Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Coordinators, or using this email: titleix@lackawanna.edu
Click here for information on Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Awareness.
Title IX Training Materials
In compliance with 34 CFR §106.45(b)(10)(i)(D) issued by the United States Department of Education under Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act of 1972, Lackawanna College has made publicly available the training materials used to train Lackawanna College’s Title IX personnel.
Lackawanna College’s Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Title IX Coordinators, and Decision-Makers attended the Title IX and Beyond two-day virtual training program on August 6-7, 2020, which was hosted by Title IX Solutions, LLC. To view our Title IX personnel’s Certificates of Completion of the Title IX and Beyond Training Program, contact our Human Resources Office.
To view the training program materials from the Title IX and Beyond Training Program, please visit the Title IX and Beyond – Participant Access Website.
These materials are the exclusive property of Title IX Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved, ©2020. The publishing of these materials on this website is authorized by Title IX Solutions, LLC solely for use by this institution in compliance with Regulation 34 CFR Part 106.45(b)(10) requires all ATIXA training materials to be posted publicly. This site facilitates the centralization of hundreds of materials developed by and owned by ATIXA, which can be linked to by individual colleges and schools. Please visit https://www.atixa.org/2020-regulations-requirement-posting-of-training-materials/ for more information.