Advice for Any First Generation College Students

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Advice for Any First Generation College Students

University Student

Becoming a first-generation college student in your family is a big deal and a major accomplishment. You are defying the odds and creating a bright future for yourself and generations. However, being the first to pursue a college degree can be intimidating, especially when you are the first to pursue this educational journey and don’t have anyone to offer helpful guidance from your college experience. 

If you are looking for advice on where to start and discover the best plan, we are here to help you navigate finding a graduation plan that will help you achieve your goals.

What Is a First Generation College Student?

To qualify as a first-generation college student means that your parent(s) did not complete a four-year college degree, regardless of other family member’s level of education. Many first generation graduate come from different backgrounds. Still, there is a lot you all have in common and the challenges you might encounter throughout your educational experience may look like the following:

• Pressure to succeed and excel.

• Unable to relate to other college students who share your experience. 

• Learning “unspoken rules” of a college campus if attending college in person.

Do First Generation College Students Have an Advantage?

While there might be a slight learning curve and an adjustment period to life as a college student, everyone is navigating their experience as best as they can and it’s important to remember that you are not behind or lesser than anyone else working toward their degree. Everyone’s experience is different. There are several advantages to being a first-generation college student, including: 

• Offering a different perspective about higher education than that of your peers.

• More motivation to succeed and pursue your degree. 

• A more creative and resourceful approach to the academic experience and campus life.

In addition to your experience, another advantage is that a college degree is increasingly necessary to succeed in today’s economy. In fact, according to the Institute for Higher Education Policy, “70 percent of jobs in the next decade will require some form of postsecondary education and training.” College degrees offer graduates higher earning potential and better job opportunities. 

Advice for First Generation College Students

There can be a lot of factors to navigate as you plan for your future and become a first generation graduate. Here is some advice we offer to our first-generation students as they think about enrolling at Lackawanna College. 

  1. Take advantage of our student resources. Our admissions staff is here to help you navigate everything, from the application process to academic resources and different resident options for those who desire to live on campus. College life can be overwhelming for any student, but our staff will guide you through any questions or concerns you might have. 
  2. Explore financial aid options. College can be expensive, but resources are available to help with tuition and other fees. Affordable tuition makes it easier for you to earn your degree without the financial stress that comes with attending college. Our process makes it easy to apply for scholarships and hopefully provides the aid you need.
  3. Do your research. Before enrolling, research to help determine which academic plan best suits your goals. You can explore our summer classes, course schedules, degree plans of study, course descriptions, and online class options on our website. Alleviate the overwhelming uncertainty of how to start the process by looking into the best action for you. 

So, are you ready to become a first-generation college student and start pursuing your education dreams or career goals? From business administration to manufacturing and all career possibilities in between, we have a degree waiting for you. In addition, we also have several campus locations whether you want to experience campus life or pursue your degree online. 

It’s time to change your future and take the next step with Lackawanna College. Apply Today to pursue quality education while improving your life.